Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the FAQ page, where you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions about our services. Our aim is to provide you with the information you need in a clear and concise manner. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’ll be happy to assist you.

How do I make a booking?

Bookings can be made very easily using our ‘Instant Fair Quote’ booking tool. You simply enter your details and you will be shown an instant fare cost, If you happy with the price you can then proceed with a booking and we will confirm your booking by email.

When will I receive confirmation of my booking?

Once you make a booking online and have paid for your journey, you will receive an email confirming the journey(s) you have made. 48 Hours Prior to your journey, You will receive a text and an email containing details of the vehicle which will collect you along with your driver’s contact details.

When will receive my Payment Receipt?

Your Payment receipt will automatically be sent to you within 24 hours of your journey taking place.

How do I find my driver from an airport, port or station?

If you have selected our “Meet & Greet” Service which costs just £5, the driver will be holding up a sign with your name at the Arrivals gate. If you have not booked this service, you will be able to call the driver directly who will advice where to meet.

Will I incur any extra charges if my plane is delayed?

No, as long as we have your valid flight number, we will track your plane’s arrival time.

Is Your Company licensed and fully insured?

Yes, We are fully licensed by the local authorities and all our vehicles are fully insured.

Will you meet us anytime of day or night?

Yes we offer a 24 hour service, 7 days a week.